Process Safety

SP&E Consultants are experienced chemical engineers whose expertise and safety culture has been developed across a broad spectrum of the process industries. Our consultants are IChemE registered Professional Process Safety Engineers. This means that we are familiar with the type of materials that you handle and can provide expert advice, with engineering and management skills, on how to process them safely.


HAZOP Service - All our consultants are experienced facilitators of various risk assessment methods, in particular DSEAR and HAZOP. We offer a complete and flexible HAZOP management service, utilising our own HAZOP recording software based on the Institution of Chemical Engineers practice. Our HAZOP service includes providing a HAZOP Secretary and HAZOP Chairman, undertaking all HAZOP preparation, progressing and tracking actions through to the issuing of the final report.

DSEAR - SPE Consultants are experienced facilitators of DSEAR risk assessments and offer DSEAR Studies, Hazardous Area Classification Studies and DSEAR Audits.

Safety Reviews - Our consultants can undertake safety reviews at any point during a plant life in order to assess the risks associated with a particular design. With expertise in hazardous area designs for both gases and dusts, we are able to advise on explosion prevention and mitigation techniques for your particularly dangerous material.


Our safety services include:

  • Hazard & Risk Assessment



  • SIL assessment & LOPA

  • DSEAR (Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations)

  • Fire Risk Assessments 

  • IEC61508 and IEC61511 Functional Safety Capability

  • Occupied Building Risk Assessment

  • Noise Surveys

  • PUWER Assessments

  • Legionella Risk Assessments

  • Process Accident Investigations

  • Site process safety audits/assessment 

  • Competency assessment for employees

  • Safety Training

Legal Expert Witness services: As part of our process safety work, SPE Consultants Ltd have carried out investigations on behalf of loss adjusters where process plant has catastrophically failed and, at other times, participated as team members of other incident investigations. Our independence and expertise means that the findings are robust and withstand close scrutiny.